Fry Pan Double Handle Green 24CM

Fry Pan Double Handle Green 24CM

The Bike Edition. Made from recycled Dutch bike frames. Combining the bikes with the right other recycled steel parts we can create the ultimate cast iron for this new pan: the Double Handle Fry Pan.

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The “ALL-ROUNDER” is what this pan is!
Have you ever wondered where all those bikes go that can be found in the canals in Amsterdam? They end up as your new Combekk Double Handle Fry Pan!

Chained to a bridge, on the bottom of a canal, folded around a lamppost; the city of Amsterdam annually collects more than 120.000 abandoned bikes. Most of the frames are perfect for recycling into new pans. When combined with the right other recycled steel parts we can create the ultimate cast iron for this new pan: a Double Handle Fry Pan.

The “ALL-ROUNDER” is what it is: 
Sear your meat and put it straight in the oven. Roast your vegetables. Bake a pie.

This Fry Pan is of the highest quality cast iron, entirely made for recycled materials with a though and functional design. The strong one layer of enamel coating prevents “chipping” of the enamel. Enameled cast iron cookware retains heat and creates a uniform heat distribution across the pan. That’s why the best chefs in the world use enameled cast iron pans. This Combekk Fry Pan brings these features to your stove at home. The special forge and t




Made in Holland
As it should be!

Recycled iron
Casted from 100% recycled iron

Thick bottom
Perfect heat distribution without hot spots

Enamel coating
Strong 1-layer enamel coating

All heating sources
Suitable for all heating sources

40 years warranty


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