The CLEARion™ Elite 60 See Thru Electric Fireplace with Privacy Mode is the first ever truly see thru electric fireplace and can be enjoyed from two rooms.


NEFBD60HE. In stock


The CLEARion™ Elite 60 See Thru Electric Fireplace is the first ever truly see through electric fireplace. A CLEARion™ Elite Electric Fireplace is hardwired directly into your electrical system creating a built-in seamlessly relaxing environment in two rooms. This unique fireplace can heat separate rooms at different rates, increasing the comfort of two spaces at the same time conveniently controlled with two remotes. A privacy mode allows you to change the transparency when privacy is desired. Customize this fireplace with either a sparkling crystal media ember bed or the hand-painted logs with Topaz glass embers; both sets are included. Illuminated from below by LED, color-changing lights, both ember bed styles glow with a luxurious feel that can be seen from two rooms.




  • Industry’s first truly SEE THRU electric fireplace
  • Privacy glass feature allows user to instantaneously switch between transparent, semi-transparent and fully opaque when privacy is desired
  • Fifteen different ember bed color options; orange, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, sky blue, purple/red, white, pink, yellow/green, ice blue, orange/red, light green, magenta plus an autocycle setting
  • Three flame color options; blue, orange and multi-color
  • Five different flame speed options
  • Log Set with Topaz Glass and Crystal Media included
  • Warms up to 800 sq. ft.
  • Simple framing specifications (8″ wall thickness)
  • Optional surrounds available in black and stainless steel
  • Hardwire 120V or 240V
  • Viewing area 55 5/8″W x 14″H
  • Up to 10,000 BTU’s and 3,000 Watts
  • Full feature remote control


WARRANTY – 2 Year *
BTU’S -10,000
FUEL TYPE – Electric


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